Future School (Trường Tương Lai) is one of the private schools in Cao Lanh, Dong Thap, Vietnam. The full location is Số 228, Phạm Hữu Lầu, Phường 4, Thành phố Cao Lãnh, Đồng Tháp, Việt Nam. It was established in 2012. The school consists of Preschool, Elementary School, and Junior High School. The building for Senior High School is under construction and is planned to be completed in 2024. Future School's land area is approximately 40,000 m2. Future School can accommodate as many as 1,975 students per year. In Cao Lanh city, parents and students trust Future School as a school that offers high-quality instruction.
Staff, Teachers, and school staffs work in a healthy working environment. They are well connected with each other. Many people have good qualifications and rich experience. They have good moral qualities; have capacity, experience and enthusiasm in the work; be able to plan, build and organize the implementation of solutions suitable to the school's practice. The teachers are not only from Vietnam, but there are also international teachers from Germany and the Philippines.
Teaching Human Beings, Learning To Be Human Beings
Future School consists of 2 main buildings with 5 floors each. All floors are easy to reach using the lift. The facilities and infrastructure provided by Future School are very complete. There is a Library, Technology room, Staff room, Teacher room, Meeting room, Hall, Mini Toilet, Toilet for Adult, and Conference room.
The most important of all is the classroom. Each class has its own name. Like Grades 1 - 5, the naming is based on color. Grades 6 - 9 are named based on pitch (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si).
There are Air Conditioners in all rooms. All rooms look clean because students take off their shoes before entering the classroom. There is a shoe rack in front of the room.
There is also a very unique guitar-shaped swimming pool and field. Students and teachers can use it for exercise classes.
The facilities provided adjust to the needs and abilities of students. There are also supporting facilities for people with disabilities. Some of these include wheelchair ramps and elevators.
In addition, as the Future School cooperates with the German side, there are trilingual signs. Vietnamese, English and German.
There are several LED TVs or Smart TVs at Future School. Smart TVs are used by teachers to display the material they want to teach. They can connect the laptop directly to the Smart TV before the lesson starts.
The Future School curriculum structure consists of teaching Language, Mathematics, Science, Sports, Technology, Morals, and Arts. Language subjects consist of Vietnamese language, Integrated English, Cambridge English, Vietnamese maths, and English math. The science sector consists of social and natural science, history, geography, and English science. While the art aspect consists of dancing, fine art, craf-engineering, music performance. The technology sector consists of computer science, moral and soft skills.
Teaching and learning activities at Future School start at 07.30 and end at 16.00. Before entering learning hours, students are given breakfast in each class. After that, they start learning with 40 minutes of study time for each meeting. This study time is very effective for students. Students and teachers are given time to lunch and nap at 12.00 and return to study at 13.30.
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